As for the next few days, I intend to enjoy them at full speed... two weddings, a photo shoot, and prepping for our annual family vacation. Yes, it is that time of year again - Yosemiteeeeee!!!
Every year growing up, with very few exceptions, we have taken a week away from life's constraints and camped in the valley as a family. We bring our sleeping bags, bikes, delicious food, funny stories, plans for lots of day hikes (yes, I HAVE made it to the top of Half Dome!), singing voices for the campfire, and bravery to chase away the bears! Oh yes, and FRIENDS. Every year it has been a little different, each one a wonderful experience and memory... some years it was just my mom, dad, and siblings, and Cez, a family friend; others we have had over 100 people! A few years back some close long-time family friends, the Pecks, started coming and now they have their whole extended family joining the party too! Here are some other posts about our fun times in The Valley!
The times around the campfire every night are some of my favorite moments during the week - when marshmallows are toasting and sticky fingers are covered in chocolate, and our hearts are joined together in worshipping the Creator of the stunning landscape we are surrounded by. It is then that the stories from the heart start coming, the hurts, the trials, the triumphs, and blessings. When I can look up and see the silouettes of the large pine trees part and reveal the bright twinkling stars in the sky and feel the Lord's presence among us, His people.
I am so grateful that I can continue to pass this tradition and memory-making vacation down on to my own three children!
I am sure you might be getting tired of seeing photos from this fun afternoon with my sisters and girlies, but I love them and can't help but share my favorites... I have always been infatuated with the beautiful tall wild grass that shimmers and glows in the late afternoon sun, and I was happy to finally capture a few images with this in mind!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
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